That title is a quote from a great man, Albert Einstein and that photo is a picture of another great (perhaps in a different sense) man called Joe: both of them describing relativity :o)
Evening! I had a weird day today. I had to tie up a lot of loose ends before I pack up this weekend and move north for 5 weeks for the final block of college. Work was quiet and when I got home I had a swollen tummy and, looking in the mirror, I consciously relaxed my tummy muscles and I swear it looked like I was pregnant. I did that classic pose with the hands stroking the tummy and it felt eerily real; for a couple of seconds I knew what it'd feel like. Very surreal! These are the bizarre kinds of daydreams I have when I've not had enough mental stimulation for the day - good job the bf wasn't home to see me doing that, he would've thought I actually was (or worse, told our friends and made fun of me). Fear not though, another workout tonight and my tummy has flattened out again: no mini-me danger here!
Casual day at work tomorrow...I suspect I'll end up in my scruffy jeans with the hole in the knee despite the email banning holey jeans, shorts and (weirdly) string vests. Then tomorrow night the bf is taking me for a meal in my new super nice dress (makes me feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman) so I am looking forward to being treated :o)
On a final slightly sad note, I noticed I lost a follower (you notice these things when you only have 4 or 5 and one of them is yourself which you did by accident and don't know how to delete it) - I hope it wasn't something I said :o\
Love the picture and the lost follower was not me!