So the other day I was cooking my dinner (which involved warming up an amazing sausage and lentil meal the bf's mum made me and boiling sweet potato to make mash); I had just finished on the hob and was mishing up the sp with a fork and I thought I could smell something burning and I turn around to see a tea towel someone had hung off the extractor fan had fallen onto the hob (which was off, but boiling hot) and was smouldering with serious smoke pluming off it. I grabbed it quickly and my first sensible instinct, to plunge it into the manky dish water, was overriden by my second, irrational instinct which said to get it to the window as the smoke was really noxious. So i flailed past my bewildered housemates and half hung it out the window. For a couple of silent moments we all stared at the towel as the additional oxygen fed the embers and caused flames to lick up. Suddenly J started forward and flipped the whole tea towel out the window: we all became hysterical. It was now a sun for the tiny animals living in the grass, flames licking in the wind and even more awful smelly smoke. We enjoyed the hysteria after a near-miss of a flame-grilled death, until we clocked the security man coming over, when we promptly legged it to our prospective rooms.
That was yesterday, I offered to replace Spank's tea towel but he said it was OK. Today G somehow locked himself out of his room and after 20 minutes of a maintenance man trying to get into Gary's room, jiggling the lock, he admitted defeat and the human tank that is Spank was brought in to kick the door down. G has had to move his stuff into Spank's room over the weekend whilst Spank's at home.
It's all excitement and drama here at AP. I am in good spirits as H, our teacher, rather generously let us all leave at half 1 today (friday) rather than at 5pm so it meant everyone could leave early and I could do a workout - I missed yesterday's because I was up until 2am doing a maths homework test thing. You wouldn't know I was 26 would you? I'm living an 18 year old life (going out tomorrow night in beachwear fancy dress to a rock night, as you do. No pole dancing this time though but I can't promise not to try the surf machine). I can't prove it, but I'm really not having a mid-twenties crisis, this is just where my life has took me, although I have to say, I am enjoying it. I went to see Robin Hood with D, G, Dolph, Spank and T in the week and I wore shorts and a hoodie with my little shoulder pouch bag thing and the boys said I was turning heads everywhere and 2 cars nearly crashed - it was so funny, I never saw anything (maybe they were having me on) but as my 17 year old friend G said, whilst you've got it (thanks, G: I think you mean if you've got it).
In training for the Hull 10k I went for a 9pm run after cinema (before dinner too...don't ever take me as the way to do it) for a quick 4 miler and man it felt so good. I plan to run again this weekend hopefully around 6 or 7 miles then another mid-week short run then it'll be the big event!
Speaking of EDS, I woke up this week and hobbled awkwardly into the shower (no time is wasted in a morning for me - it's upright and showering within a minute). By the time I was walking to college my hip was achey like a bruise: this isn't especially unusual until I realised this is unusual - just not to me. It's not normal to pop a joint out and have half a day (I'm intensely lucky it's not that bad for me) being a bit bruised and uncomfortable. Actually that's not entirely truthful, it's sore today. Anyway, yeh. Smacked in the face with reality a little bit but apparently I am super lucky I have a strong core which makes it not so bad for me (at least I choose to believe I have some control) and to that end, I have just received my door frame pull up bar for my workouts! It's brilliant :o)
Tonight I am going to do some project work and get an early one because tomorrow is my day of C-adventures :o)
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