My first weekend in L'town and I had fun (I am considering the weekend over already as today is a write-off, with only studying and taxi'ing the boys to Asda on the cards). Yesterday me and C had a really fun day: we went to the Aquarium and saw the divers feeding the fish in the shark tank and took lots of photos (none of which I can show you as I don't have a USB cable for the digital camera with me). On the night we went to the K and even though none of C's friends were about to come with us we still had a really fun night :o) C is my friend I met back home about 7 years ago when he was there for uni, we knew each other from rock nights and rather fortunately we kept in touch so when I started coming to his hometown for college he rather cooly took on the task of showing me the city and meeting me for weekends :) I love old friends.
It was a good night, a couple of very attractive boys (children) tried staring at me obviously for ages which made me laugh and pray they didn't come and try to chat me up and force me to tell them I'm 10 years older than them haha. One guy scooped me up around my waist and told me I was the most beautiful girl and then said have a good night and disappeared as quickly as he appeared, leaving me shouting thanks at his back - I love that spirit in rock clubs; the people are the best. We also saw a chicken fillet on the floor and C said somewhere in here there's a very drunk girl with a very wonky chest haha, oh dear.
Now I need to crack on with work and make sure I don't waste today as I've another full week and then off to Hull for a visit and the Hull 10k - exciting weekend ahead!
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