I have had the most amazing day :) (photo from another amazing day last year walking RSPCA dogs). I haven't mentioned (I don't think) but I am running the Hull 10k for EDS Support Group on May 23rd and I took my sponsorship form to work today. I was really embarrassed about asking people and I didn't want them to feel they had to sponsor me but Dan, my mentor, said to bring it to him first and he'd put a big amount down and everyone else would follow. He was right! Everyone sponsored me - the biggest being £20 and that wasn't even Dan's! There was hardly anyone in the office and I've already raised £163.20 :o) My family have sponsorship forms too and they're going to collect some in their prospective cities too so I am hoping in a couple of weeks I'll have a fair whack :o) I am really excited to get my EDS support group T-shirt too :o) I am going to wear it on every run I go on, every mile I ever tread...unless it's sweaty from the last workout, obviously.
So tonight I needed to pop to Tesco for bread; I've never mentioned before but I am a bit special (haha, no seriously) and am intolerant to several foods which are fairly central to the western world's diet: wheat, corn, oats, yeast, diary, chocolate, sugar. I have to get special bread (rye or spelt - it has some wheat and yeast but I only need to avoid it not completely cut it out if I can't) and I asked the bakery woman because there wasn't any of the usual bread I got. She was totally brilliant and took me to the selection of Polish breads which have less wheat, asking if I was allergic or if it was intolerance and she told me the aisle the totally wheat free stuff was (which I already knew, but she was so thorough!)She must've spent at least 5 minutes with me. Honestly, I was unbelievably knocked off my feet; it's just not what you expect from Tesco. I said "thank you so much, I really appreciate your help" and I hope she took that genuinely because I am still delighted :o) I'm trying the Polish bread, btw.
So, bouyed on by this fulfilling and Disney-style day I've had, I feel more ready to tell you what has been on my mind recently: I have a few things wrong with me (who hasn't?) such as being partially deaf and food intolerances, but recently I was diagnosed with something new (well, new to me). I've hesitated to mention it because I've not really told anyone in my day-to-day life, but it probably won't come as much of a shock from my blogs: I've Type 3 EDS. It's mild, but a very close relative I love to bits has a severe form and it's all been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. I tend to be ashamed of things like this, embarrassed at the focus. I don't like people to look at me and see me a certain way. I hate to show weakness or, dare I say it, imperfectness (I think I just created a word). With EDS I feel a bit of a fraud because I have it in a mild form and so just don't suffer like my relative does, but on the upside it means I can do things like the Hull 10k. In keeping with this amazing day, I told my relative how I felt and they wrote this response to me which blew me away a little bit (I should've put a warning on how bluebirds and singing this was going to be):
"Well, Severety (sp?) isnt the issue, it's a thing that definately affects your life, you have to be super careful not to hurt yourself, you have to be informed without panicing yourself about the what if's, you have a close family member who is very sick with the same illness which is upsetting and scary at the same time... anyone with their head on straight can see that's a burden to bear and I'm super proud of you that you are channeling your feelings about it all into such a possitive and constructive path. I was honestly in abit of a panic when you got diagnosed as I already knew it was true but I was scared of how you would react.. and I appologise for that cos you're doing everyone proud :D And you can quote me on that on your blog (if you can stomach my poor grammar and spelling dirtying it up lol) Love you Little 'Un xx"
And on that note, I'm having a night off from exercise and spending some extra time with the bf :o) x
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