So here's a photo of my amazing sister (left) and me wearing the EDS shirt after the Hull 10k (I managed to borrow a USB cable from one of the 2nd year boys. A mega day I won't forget in a hurry.
Frankie Boyle just said something funny on Mock The Week: "Do you mind if I leave early? I have to pick up the kids...before their parents arrive". Haha - classic. I have been craving comedy this week, watching Eddie Izzard DVDs to amuse me on an evening.
It's been a funny start to the week (and not ha-ha funny, apart from where I injected it with comedy) with crappy lessons and the inevitable dread of the sheer volume of work we have to complete within a week and a half, it's been a bit of a downer. I can't really even look forward to going back to Bristol yet because I have a mega long drive ahead of me. It won't be until I am driving past Cheltenham that I will start to get excited.
Even worse, our Project Manager (aged 18) was dumped by his girlfriend and has been mentally elsewhere for ages now, deciding getting hammered before working together was a good idea (annoying). He keeps saying he wanted kids with her and marriage more than anything and I said "you're only 18!" and he was resolute so I said "it's a lesson in life then - be more independent, you're not going to be with someone from day 1 to the end of your life" - so Jammy slated me for being negative. I didn't think that was negative, my mum taught me that (admittedly it sounded a little bleak to me too at first); with a little thought, I think it is a massively important piece of advice. You should be independent - doesn't mean you can't love the people with you when they are and appreciate every minute, it just means when they're gone you're not left completely lost. Maybe I go too far the other way, and am fiercely independent (the poor bf) but I think if you invest 100% in someone you can still be independent and realistic. I don't think that these are mutually exclusive.
Anyway, Day 28 of the No Sugar Challenge (2 days left) - I still can't decide if I am going to gorge on maltesers or just keep going and see how long I can go.
Day 18 of the countdown (can't really enjoy this now we have so much work)
I made a promise today, my friend Sammy is applying to do the law conversion in Bristol and I said I'd move in with her if she's accepted. Fingers crossed I actually earn enough...