Ellie's World

...a little place for big thoughts...

Friday 16 April 2010

I'd like to introduce you to a couple of friends of mine. Molly (left) and Jessie (right). Molly lives with our American friend, Pam and Jessie lives with us.
These two are the best fun and a lot of my adventures involve these guys so I thought you should be able to put a face to the names.

(There are also a large number of zebra finches in our family too, but that's too many names to remember at once so I'll save those guys for another day)

Molly is the doggie-dog of the two: she loves chasing squees (squirrels) and gets really excited to go running with me. Jessie is the human-dog: she loves hogging the sofa, acquiring expensive woollen blankets for herself and slinking away when I even reach for my running trainers.

These are our gruffies.

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