Ellie's World

...a little place for big thoughts...

Saturday 24 April 2010

12 miles

So this morning I got up early and had a banana and then headed out on a long run. My previous longest route has been 10 miles about 3 weeks ago and I always go with the potential to go further if I'm feeling good. Today I took another route home and added another 2 miles. I have to say, those last 2 miles were hideous; every step (be it jogging or walking by this point) was awful, as you can see from my post-run photo I took to prove the suffering (on my knees because I couldn't get to my feet!)

They say you learn something new everyday; well today I learnt not to do almost a half marathon on a small banana.

Anyway, the rest of today is going to be spent laying in the sun and, thanks to those painful 2 hours 2 minutes and 2 seconds (10.09 minute mile average), I can sunbathe guiltless :o) HOORAY!

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