What I meant to say was homophobic.
So how are we all in October? Enjoying the crisp atmosphere and the promise of Christmas-card scenery or still moaning that the flies have all died on the window sills and that it's not too hot to sleep anymore?
I had a fantastic birthday (see inset of ridiculously hot 27 year old - I've decided to use my age as a way of making my appearance even better: "wow - you look great! you're really 27?" as opposed to "you're only 27? oh, gosh"). A lot more people came than I thought would and there was the added bonus that everyone seemed to get on really well even though noone knew each other :) epic success all round. I danced until my feet throbbed, which is always a sign of a good night.
After the brief, fleeting moment of enjoyment my life remembered itself, readjusted, and became hell again.
In a nutshell (admittedly a big one, like a conker...conkers are nuts, right?) gossip at work happened again and it really acted as the straw on a camel's back. I spoke to my mentor at work and had an offer to lay into the culprit royally, but I chose to do it myself (I quite enjoy assault). Ontop of that, my finances are looking sicker and sicker by the month. We're going to ask for help again from work, but they're making redundancies and they didn't help much last time so I don't fancy my chances: I applied for a new job yesterday too and made a genuine effort in the application, despite it breaking my heart to consider giving up my career I love so much. I'll keep you posted. I just really hate when things get to a point where you can't do anything to help yourself.
In other news, I have hastily compiled an army of vitamin-armoured white blood cells and dispatched them in their droves to fight a rebel coup of viruses. At the moment my troups are well fed and are packing so the odds are on them winning, although currently they have some leg work to go. Until then, as their general, I feel it is vital that I get my beauty sleep so that I look good when it comes to chiselling my statue when we have victory.
Signing out...x
What's that got to do with not being homophobic/homosexual? Even if it's just a title for contradicting yourself in your blog? Am I missing something? lol I have a feeling I'm gonna get a sarcy reply for this but hell, I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your bday was a top success :-) I imagine they could use their disbelief about how old you are as an ice breaker (is that an insult or a compliment? Who knows ;-) I do, it's an insult. Bwa hahahahaha!
we'll speak soon about your job situation :-) well, you speak I'll breath heavily
it was just an opener...you know - break the ice. a bit like when I call you geek features.
ReplyDeleteyour cute