Evening folks - sorry it has been some time since my last blog.
First things first - Title explanation: I've been following a CF's mobility blog and he comes out with some absolute corker sayings, me and the bf have been having fun quoting him.
Things have not gone so great for me since my last blog. Work persisted in their corporate policy and refused my suggestion so I have replied to say I am out of possible solutions to aid my remaining in my career with them, as I simply cannot afford to live and they won't help me or let me help myself. I've said I'll stay here (L'town) and finish the course but will not enrol onto their degree course and waste their money, unless they had a solution for me. If they didn't, I said I would understand if they felt they had to let me go. It really saddens me that's how my 2nd real job from education has fallen - they say god helps those who help themselves - if that's the case there's no deities in HR. Either way, I cannot hang about hoping some self-inflated concept of ultimate power, or God for that matter, to help me out; in the interim I have been job hunting and applying for anything I could practically do, for money I could practically live on: it's a short term view but my long-term planning hasn't been working out so good. You're just going to have to sweat this one out with me, I'm afraid: work haven't replied in 2 days since I challenged them to fire me for breaching my terms of employment (in legal jargon) - I can't imagine what the hold up is but it's torturing me nevertheless (perhaps that's the goal). I'll let you know after I pick myself up again how it all unfolds.
In other news, I have been having riding lessons (you might've noticed) and I can't stop now: I have so much time to catch up on, so many stirrup-less trots to endure to get my seat back again. The hunger for an equine-child is as strong as it was when I was 10, writing "Christmas List. A Horse. Thank you Santa", which is undoubtedly making the bf nervous.
Taking the short-term view on life, which is so unnatural to me, I am excited and nervous for HALLOW'EEN (or old hallow's eve, if you will) tomorrow night (it's not technically tomorrow night, but that's when we're venturing to the mighty K in our finest). I know for a fact I am not the only person this bothers, but isn't it just infuriating how Hallow'een and Bonfire Night - two of the greatest annual events of the year, are overlooked for possibly one of the most depressing, miserable, grim, gravy-soaked holidays (whom I shall not utter the name of until December)? Anyway, why the nerves you say? I am an ambitious and somewhat wreckless character by nature, call it a rebellion against my otherwise saffy-like personality, and I unwisely endeavoured to do an amazing costume without thoroughly thinking through the difficulties and, well frankly - exposure. I've decided to go as Mystique of X-Men fame. If you don't know, google/bing/search engine of your choice. I will put up a photo when I get one - I imagine something absolutely horrendous will happen and I'll end up exposed to a whole nightclub of happy rockers, but every blue liquid latex outfit has a silver lining - at least it'll make good blogging material.
What are you going out in on all hallow's eve when the veil between the living and the dead is at its most finest?
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