I promised I'd give you photographic evidence of the duck attack and here it is! I don't think the photo gives the full credit to the viciousness of the attack, hehe.
So today pretty much blowed; (is that too American a term for me to get away with?) I am waiting to hear from work of this "offer" they have for me and I feel like they just don't seem to give a tiny rat's ass (again with the Americanisms) that I live out of a suitcase and am constantly tired because every Friday and Sunday I move house. I watched this fat, igorant, soak of a man at work today and couldn't believe such a useless lard on legs he was and how bitterly unfair it was he is being paid several times my salary. I'm not usually one for looking at other people, I tend to have enough on my plate worrying about me, but I had been reading Dilbert comic strips and am painfully poor (in about 2 months that is going to become a very serious problem for me) and I think I am feeling a bit ansy waiting on the higher management to decide if they're going to throw me a bone or rape me repeatedly for the next few years... anyway! Onto other matters! I did keep up with my workouts on holiday and did another tonight which completely pasted me. I really enjoy knackering myself out. If money were not a problem, I think I would live in Collioure and workout and relax all day long...(I love this photo: it reminds me of lowri)...x
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