I was talking to my sister the other day: man, learning about EDS is like finding out about the sun "oh really? that's why the plants grow upwards! oh so that's why it's light out during the day - it all makes sense!". At least now I know why my teeth are little and flat and I've lost a lot of enamel - mystery solved (at least it's not that I am hideous at looking after my teeth).
In other news, I cut my hair (well I didn't, Helen the Hairdresser did) and I dyed it dark brown (semi-permanent). I think it looks quite nice :) well, nicer than before anyway - which wouldn't be difficult since I get it cut around every 8 months because I'm a cheapskate.
I started Athletics too which it really good fun and hard work :) I tried long jump (FUN) and now seem to be doing running (not as much fun) but hopefully I'll get to try more stuff soon.
Work have a package to offer me, apparently, but haven't told me how much they'll want to rape me if they help me out - I bet they'll offer to half help me for about 6 years of raping. I don't know what I'll do if it's like that - start applying for other jobs, probably. They have kindly left me speculating for the next week whilst I am in France.
Which leads me on to France! We are setting off today for London and a stay in the Hilton (for the week's free parking) and on Monday we're flying to the South of France for a week of sunbathing and me pestering to go riding :) I haven't really thought about this holiday as anything other than a pain in the ass until today when I woke up thinking "WE'RE GOING TO FRANCE YEY!" Hopefully I will not be thinking about crappy work and the crappity crap that's going on back here.
Well, P&G are setting off today because they're going by train (P doesn't like flying - I LOVE flying) so I have to get dressed and walk Jessie now so she doesn't get upset at them leaving. Honestly, our dogs get more attention and consideration of their emotions than the severely unstable.
See you when I am considerably browner...x
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I'm doing on here. I think I'm following you? Also I think I'm following your blog ;-) (why does that smiley look Chinese?). When are you back? You can help me work this crazy internet box. I decided there'd be no point emailing as you can't check it in France anyway. Instead I've just been looking at this like "er......". So now all your followers know you're friends with a dunce too. I might see if I can lose you as many followers as possible, mwa hahaha.
If you're at work tomorrow I'll catch you then, PEACE!