Sorry I haven't blogged for a little while; I have been very busy and all over the country (in fact, I've only 30 minutes now before I have to dash off, but more about that later).
At the end of last block at college we had a presentation to the managers from around the country and the MD of the entire company - a bit of a contradiction he turned out to be: a pleasant glasweigan with a look of a young Hitler. We were all pretty scared and my stomach went fruit loops on the morning but I got through that and did a good presentation, which my area manager came into and later said my technical answers were excellent, telling me I should consider being an engineer (since I work with him sometimes in my capacity as a commercial student, I am really hoping he wasn't telling me to quit my day job). My review later in the day was pretty much that I'm getting distinctions across the board and to just keep it up - so that's encouraging but I still have a hefty load of work left to do before I finish in November (ready for the degree and a pay rise to just about minimum wage...sigh). Since those last sleep-deprived days at college (in which I found out lack of sleep won't kill you, it'll just make you wish it did) I have been across to see my mum and get a little advice; money is a huge constraint on my life at the moment (I am paid almost nothing. Literally. I'd tell you how much but you wouldn't believe me) and I have taken a risky plunge to ask my work for help paying for accommodation as the bf's family are moving and they're downsizing. I really miss having my own space and my own home and I think my biggest ambition is to claw that independence back. I'll let you know what they say (I'm expecting a "take a hike" response).
The big news from today was I went to see a Pysiotherapist for the first time ever; I don't mind admitting I had no idea what it would entail and I felt like it'd largely be irrelevant to me. How wrong I was. I was there because I have mild Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I am actually already fed up of people saying "oh so there's nothing wrong with you" because actually there is, I just don't want to admit it - maybe they're doing me a favour with unintentional reverse-psychology. Anyway, in short I've been given just 2 exercises to do (mostly focussing on my spacky shoulders) and then they'll give me more next time I go. I'm glad I went now, and she said I can decide my next appointment so I think after my holiday will be good timing.
This might seem a bit left field, but I wanted to thank my sister at this point, an eds princess - every day she is changing my perspective and teaching me so much (almost too much, I feel like I need a few run ups sometimes) and it is incredible how she knows me better than I know myself. So thank you, Nem - you make me try harder for more.
Bringing it back to today, I (now) have 10 minutes before I need to scoot and get dressed for my first ever Athletics club meeting - H and N are going with me (3 girls :) so hopefully it'll be OK - my right hip is a little sore after the Physio discovered she could pull it out of socket easily so I am hoping that doesn't hurt tomorrow :\ The title of this blog is me quoting my physio talking to her student and pointing at my feet as I sat on the table, and the photo is from the last night at college before going out to celebrate finishing.
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