I chose this picture to go with this blog because I look like a Tomb Raider wannabe (ready for anything was what I was going for there, although I look kind of sad, in hindsight, which is also sort of fitting). I have been recently feeling like things are going to change in my life and, if I am totally honest, I want things to change - I want to move out and have my own space and independence back; I want to have more control over my career; I want to travel the world; and I want to throw myself at challenges. Every so often (I'd guess at around 6 monthly intervals, although there's no specific timing) I do something fairly dramatic in rebellion against the normality of my life: I become overwhelmed with the ease of day-to-day activities that I feel the urge to change something and make a challenge or a self-defining act. The most recent example of this was, on a frustrated whim about 2 months ago, getting a big tattoo around my right thigh; I'd wanted this tattoo for about a year and had doodled it a couple of times, but I knew the bf didn't want me to get it and it was a big choice when I wasn't 100% sure...then one day in town it was suddenly either cut all my hair off or get the tattoo - so I booked the tattoo (what? I love my hair).
Now I feel an even bigger life-eruption coming, and the dust cloud of my discontent (haha) is already blooming over my international waters (er, what?). I want to move out, have my own space. And work is frustrating me, if they can't help I'll be really tempted to go elsewhere where they might offer me a quicker track to qualification and better money - which would make me a little sad because I enjoy my job and leaving would be a gamble (it doesn't help I've been approached twice this week by people trying to poach me). I wonder what will happen, something big is brewing and I am anxious and slightly worried if it'll be good or bad for me (usually the latter, so understandably worried).
In a nutshell, I don't know what I want, although I don't know what the choices are either...
...it looks like I'll need those fingerless gloves and obliques...
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