Apologies in advance that this isn't the happy-go-lucky blog it really should be; I've lessened the blow with this rather epic photo of Dewy, one of our finches, flying about the avairy and looking very impressive. He's a lightback zebra finch.
So yeah, life's crap. I went to the GP today and she's sending me to a caridologist because that weird thing my heart did last week, well, apparently that sounds pretty serious.
In addition to the stress-related heart complaint, I have a rather badly-timed meeting with HR tomorrow at work; this has come after my most recent email where I said if they're looking to find a solution then I'll meet, but otherwise don't waste our time and give me my P45 (I actuallt wrote that; I must've been drunk, only I don't drink...)Perhaps I should keep an eye on my heart tomorrow :/
There is a silver lining though, or a little ray of sunshine if you will; I rode the most amazing mare ever on the weekend. She was so brilliant. I am completely in love... <3 sigh...
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