Today has not been a good day! First I had a huge 4x4 driven by a stoney-faced 50-something man almost bump me off the road by driving well over 50mph through my 30mph village, then I had some stumpy, ugly stocky bitch push in front of me at the supermarket, who said (when I pointed out I was already queing) "I'm sorry, I don't think so". The other day, me and the bf were stood behind a man at a cash point and another man walked up and stood nearby too; then when the first man finished at the cash point, walked in and took our place! As ignorant and arrogant as that! The bf, who is incredibly genteel, just said it was OK: I walked away in fury to another cash point around the corner and said I had to otherwise I'd have started a fight.
There must be something about me that says "this girl is a pushover"; I am not a pushover! I AM NOT A CHUMP! And the next person who is so arrogant, obnoxious and plain selfish is going to find out I am not above punching someone, either! >:\
I think what really gets to me is these ugly (inside and out) people are parading around with a self-inflated ego and obtuse level of self importance, when I am shuffling about apologetically feeling inferior.
If I had my own horse again, I'd trample them all; the photo inset to this angry blog is Froggy a French endurance arab, making me feel just a little empowered again. Thanks, Froggy x
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